Our Increasingly Mobile Lives
It’s a very weird feeling being back in New York. This phase of transition is the third to last phase before I transition into being a full time professional and it’s weird to be closer to the end than the beginning.
I have this next degree to finish, the licensing exam and the national exam and then I can setup my practice. It’s exciting, it’s scary, it’s a lot of things. I’m not trying to rush the journey but I’d also really like to “be there” already, not living paycheck to paycheck, not going to school, working and studying but just going to work and then coming home to my hobbies, hiking, camping, kayaking, etc.
Right now I’m only working as I wait for school to start. I’m not used to having all this free time – part of it I’m using to better myself (Weight Watchers, eventually working out), part getting myself organized and ready for school, part planning my future and my future business and part just relaxing.
Somewhere after the licensing and national exams and before the move I’ll be taking the last big trip I’ll be on for awhile (I’ll never give up traveling, but it’ll be awhile before I can travel again once my practice is setup – the first few years are the hardest).
I’m experimenting with blogging only from my iPhone in my continuing attempt to do away with needing my desktop and in preparation for writing while on the trail in India, Tibet and Peru.
I’m digging the software interface.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to my vacation/pre-Chicago move reconnaissance trip this weekend.
Until then,
Peace, love and hummus,
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.