iamhuman & where I’ve been :o)
I made this graphic back in 2003 for a design course, but I figured I’d put it out there on the net again after reading a bunch of articles in the newspaper today (the coups in the NYS Senate, which had a lot to do with the Same Sex Marriage bill, apparently)…and Gay Pride is this weekend in Tel Aviv. Anyway, Feel free to download it and spread it as you like, while I do retain the copyright to it, anyone’s allowed to use it for pretty much anything (though I ask that you don’t make a profit off of it, or if you do, that it goes towards a good cause, like AIDS Research or to fight Prop 8 , or something):
Feel free to put it on your site by snagging the code below:
In other news, for those of you who have been wondering where I’ve been, I’ve been syndicating my feed to LiveJournal and blogging at my site though I may also start posting some things to LJ since the army isn’t terribly fond of soldiers who keep websites (I’m not allowed to post my travelogues on my blog anymore, at least until after I’m out of the army…I’m only allowed to send them by email according to people who have things on their shoulders and get to give me orders).
I do however use this account (whenever I have regular net access) to follow everyone’s blogs and entries and going ons (I think I’ll have my USB modem working tomorrow…which will hopefully end my internet woes, I’ve been seven or so months now without regular internet) so I’m still keeping up on everyone as technology allows me :o)
So how is everyone doing? Please forgive the disjointedness…it’s 12:27am, I’ve been going on two hours of sleep a night for the past week…but it’s good to be on-line :o)
Peace all,
~ me