Phonetic Spectrographic Analysis: Complete
I’m done with the Phonetic Spectrographic Analysis. Three pages long, single spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12. For those of you curious, I had to read something that looked like this:
I had to analyze it, explain why each segment was what I thought it was, and say what it said. This is not the actual spectrogram I had to decipher, but is for illustration purposes. Forensic linguists use this to determine your height and whether or not you’re faking your accent. I am not a forensic linguist (yet)…but catch up with me in twenty or thirty years.
Now, I’m going to bed for two hours, so I can wake up and go to class, then transcribe Tagalog for an hour, then class for two hours, then transcription for another hour, then a meeting for work for god knows how long…then taking Jeruen out for Dinner to thank him for being my language informant for the semester.
Peace all.