“I don’t have a one track mind, all the other trains are just on holiday schedule…” – Me
I’ve often been accused of being obsessed with sex and beauty…I’m not obsessed…I’m just in love. I’m in love with men – all of them – with their voices, with their bodies, with their hair, with their masculinity and at times, even with their femininity, with their chests and with their abs and with their arms and their hands and their bodies and their minds.
Every now and then I hear people use “who would choose a life where they are discriminated against” as an excuse for why being gay isn’t a choice…and I have to shout “ME! I would!”
I would choose being gay a thousand times and then a thousand times more…despite the discrimination, the hate, the uphill battle it is worth it to be a man in love with a man…to share the kind of love that only two men can share…there is very little beauty that can ever compare aesthetically to the male form:
I thank Itai (nir1) for sending me the link to this video on my birthday this past September.
And now, I get back to doing school work that I’m rapidly falling out of love with if for no other reason than the fact that I’m chomping at the bit to be in Israel and I’m incorrectly displacing my wangst at not being done yet on the homework, viewing it as an impediment in my way rather than a key out of here.
I can’t wait for January though: a whole month off to do nothing but work out and to breathe and to meditate and to do yoga and pilates and relax my mind and recenter myself.
Now, excuse me…I plan on being done with the bulk of this busy work/waste of time by 1:30 am at the latest so I can finish some forms for work, and then transcribe until 6 am so I can get to class early so I can force my teacher to answer my questions as to why he’s lost my work so I can attend to other classes so I can go to a meeting at work so I can get paid on Tuesday and all I want to do is write…I just want to write, poetry, and prose and something of meaning to me…I can’t wait for a break from Academia…though that is a post, for another day, and another time.
Israel in 51 days and 25 minutes.