Pride Pictures 2004
Subject: Pride Pictures 2004
Date: Sunday 7/18/04 2:27:00 AM
Music: Attitude-Suede-Queer As Folk S4
Pride Pictures 2004
This is what, to me, Pride is all about – the ability to walk uptown with your boyfriend holding hands. To get this, I was running with my Canon AE-1 35mm camera, with 105 Zoom Lense…in Flip Flops. It was well worth it.
These folks thought I was either working for a magazine, or I was famous and they went “we want to feel special take our picture” so I obliged. I doubt they’ll be able to remember it in the morning ^_~
This gorgeous person, while I’m assuming is straight (based on mannerisms, and conversations he had on his cellphone with regards to those of the female demographic, was kind enough to let me take his portrait. His face was very impressive, as was his overall body structure and the way that he carried himself. He was a pleasure to photograph, especially since he didn’t pose.
This was a street dancer. Try as I might I was only able to capture hir from behind.
This is taken from the kitchen window, of the house I was staying in.
“Dawn in the Bohemian Quarter of Jersey City”
On lookers, peering down at the Pride March!
The door to the place where I stayed during Pride 2004
The window at the 17th Street Office.
Leather Pride, Village Style.