Poem to sam
Subject: Poem to sam
Date: Thursday 2/27/03 4:04:00 PM
Music: Monks Chanting on TV
Tags: writings: poetry
Poem to sam:
Watching you on the sidelines, as you began to take
your first steps, tiny little brother, coming into my
world, entering through the doorway that is the heart.
Looking on, as you board the bus for the first time,
going through what me and my twin already did – “own
by self,” strong, true, intrepid.
Watching you, as you run the bases, and win the game,
watch you on Fire Island as you got to play, smiling
as you picked up on family traditions – chasing Allie
with lobsters. Becoming more of a Schwartz every day,
and becoming your own person, doing things in your own
unique individual way.
Watching you learn how to skate, and ski with Dave and
dad, bike and swim, and the joy that came with knowing
that you were of my kin, overflowing pride as the next
generation of Schwartz took control of the reins,
learning to stay the course, through the thick and
the thin. Riding behind you, I can see you on the
back of your horse, in the teton wilderness,
experiencing something of a lifetime, but watching you
experience it was not to be missed – your true
passionate love of animals, big and small, like your
mothers heart, encompasing all, the forest and all of
Gods creatures at a majestic waterfall.
Watching you tackle all the problems, that have ever
come your way, big and small, you learned to laugh and
throw the world right off your back, your train rights
it self and gets it back on track.
Listening to you sing, late at night, with your CD
Player on, thinking the rest of the family was asleep,
the muses inspiring the thoughts in your mind and
letting your vocals make them into a sonnet to sing-
watching you kick my ass in video games, what was I
thinking, I had no chance – smash brothers, way to
But most importantly, watching you every day on your
journey, guided by heavens flame, as you transform
from a boy into a man L’dor V’dor; and so it is
You may be a man, but you shall always be, my
incredibly strong, true, loving, younger brother, Sam.