Week in review…
Subject: Week in review…
Date: Sunday 10/13/02 7:30:00 PM
Music: Live Your Dreams-Save The Last Dance
1 – I stopped spazzing out and worrying that I was going to fail out of college, roll down a hil, bump into a camel and then subsequently fall off of a cliff. I have more than enough to geti nto the Photography program, ’nuff said.
2 – Girls were dealing, and I kid you not, suppositories, in the lounge today, somehow, I just *DON’T* want to know.
3 – I’ve been up for over 24hrs.
Anyways, almost time for me to nodd off so I can wakeup early and do some more homework, I still havent done laundry, but I have slacks underwear and a sweater to hold me over tomorrow.
Love Y’all
~ Matan