LooOOoOOOonNNngggg Update!
When We Last Left off…
Well, This week has been pretty good thus far.
==Last Saturday==
Protested infront of the Federal Building & On Elmwood Avenue (one of Beefalo’s Main Drags) and we got a *GREAT* response!
Class (tum tee tum) which was fun, standard stuff, doing homework and all.
Got my Psych Grade back – and because we didn’t do as good as she wanted us to, she added 7 points to all of our grades, so I made of with a 72. Then I had World Civ Recitation which was, as usual, interesting. I have a paper due on tuesday, two pages (::coughcoughEasyAcoughcough::). After class I boarded the bus to south campus, and took the Transit to Down Town Beefalo for the IAC meeting.
I was the first one there so I opened up the office and got stuff all setup, it was a very informative meeting.
More Class, went fooooooood shopping ::yum:: Chef Boyarde, apparently to some, is “fine italian cuisine” somehow, I think not
Psych at 9:30 (ech, had to get up early) but it was a cool class on memory, let’s hope I can bring my psych grade up from a 72 (ohh, forgot, good news on psych – lowest quiz grade dropped!).
Then I had a whole day free, so I:
- Studied for Health and Human Services
- Moved Furniture in my dorm room so I could hang up my wall hanging
- Started my Health and Human Services Homework
- Got my flight bag ready for my trip to NYC for a conference
Anyways, tomorrow I leave after class for a conference in NYC ::is excited:: I get to see the grand-rents and we’re gunna go out for dinner and the conference should be VERY cool. I’ll update if I can get to a computer when I’m there.
~ The Bovine