9-11-2002 – A Year Later
In the aftermath of the September 11th anniversary, we grieve for the victims, however we must also realize that there is still much work to be done; and it’s not an answer that is easy, and it took the events of 9/11 to give some of us a voice.
Thousands, if not millions of children die each year in Iraq because of US lead sanctions. Although the United States claims that Saddam has “weapons of mass destruction” they have no evidence, infact they have testimony from weapons insepctors (Including the Chief US Weapons Inspector) that they do not have any weapons of mass destruction at all, and that the insepctors were simply used as a place to find targets to destroy in Iraq. Children, because Iraq cannot recieve Chlorine, die unnescessary deaths every day because they cannot get clean drinking water – they die of bowel diseases, and worse.
People are always quick to claim that Iraq gets countless number of medical suppllies; not only is this wrong and infactual, but when Iraq does get medical supplies, they only recieve half of what they need – they may get a antibiotic, but they have no needles to inject it into their patients. Patients who are required to have water bags attached to them multiple times daily, may only get one a day when they require six or more – or in times of deficit, one a week.
Know Justice, Know Peace, Know Justice, Know Peace
The Burgoise claimed that World War I was the war to end all wars, instead it brang us right into World War II. There can be no justice, if we do not know, and embrace peace, in this year – 2002, over two thousand years from the death of what some consider to be the Messiah what has all this wealth and warfare done to us?
Children Starving, World Hunger, Thousands Jobless, others lying in the streets waiting to die. If you believe that Capitalism can work, go to the Streets of New York City, right by my office, and look at the people lined up and down 14th Street and even 7th Avenue, who hold signs “hungry and homeless” and see them die before your eyes. The only way that we can have true peace and equality is through a movement by the masses, there is no need for people to starve or to go hungry, when they are sorrounded by so much wealth and food.
The People, United, Will Never Be Defeated! The People, United, Will Never Be Defeated!
After the first day or so of the 9/11 attacks, over one-thousand innocent Arabs were taken from their homes in a secret police raid, their names were never released, for months family members didn’t know if their loved ones were dead or alive – when we begin to resort to tactics of Nazi Germany, we can truly see where our “Democracy” is going. It is time that the people say “We’ve Had Enough – Money for Jobs, Education, Healthcare – not for racist war!”
One of the only few people who stand to profit from this war are President Bush, and Vice President Cheney, both who have alot to gain financially – you may remember that VP Cheney had personal interest in Enron, although it was somehow glossed over in the Burgois news.
People fail to relaize that with Bush’s endless war, it’s not his children who shall be dying in the streets, it’s YOUR son’s and YOUR daughters who shall die, not the burgoisie’s children.
A death, no matter who’s life, is still a death – violence will only bring about more violence.